


Boats for sale

Sales of donated & shop-built boats directly support the Apprenticeshop.

Contact us at (207)594-1800 or for more info. Interested in commissioning a boat? Read more here→


Susan SkifFS - $3000

LOA: 11’ 3”

Beam: 3’ 10”

Draft: Approx. 4”

Weight: Approx. 180 lbs

Sail Area: Sail rigs are not usually offered, however there are a few local owners and apprentices who have built rigs for their boats. For more details please call (207) 594-1800.


Description: Every apprentice that comes through our doors begins their education in boatbuilding by building a Susan Skiff. These pleasing flat bottom skiffs row like a dream. The backbone is made of white oak, with pine for the hull planks and cedar for the bottom planks. 

We always have skiffs under construction or ready for a new home. Please inquire with us for current availability.



LOA: 14 ft, 3 in (4.3 m)

Beam: 4 ft, 2 in (1.3 m)

Draft: Approx. 6”

Weight: Approx. 285lbs.

Description: Based on the techniques used by Alton Whitmore of North Haven in the early 1900’s, this peapod is uniquely constructed right-side up with pre-bent frames and without the use of molds in the set up. Similar to the old Whitehall method, the sheer­ strake, the binder, and the interior structure go in the boat before it is planked.

The oak plank used for the keel is steam bent-to take the required amount of rocker, and the boat will be carvel planked in cedar atop oak frames. Our goal is to better understand the process Whitmore used to efficiently build peapods and round bottom skiffs.


1965 5.5 Meter “Lyric” - $20,000

LOA: 31' 4"

Beam: 6' 2"

Draft: 4' 6"

Displacement: 3,300 lbs

Sail Area: 312 sq. ft.

Description: Built by Bjarnes Aas in Frederickstad, Norway in 1965. Mahogany planking on steam-bent ash frames. Bronze fastened throughout. Aluminum spars. Class: 5.5. Boat number: 568. Class number: US62. New main, jib, and spinnaker in 2012. New frames, floor timbers, partially re-planked, refastened, all new deck structure and decks. Fast boat in great shape. Places in her class at ERR every year!

O'Mona – Wianno Junior - $5,000

LOA: 20ft

Beam: 6ft, 10in

Draft: 4"

Displacement: 900 lbs

Sail Area: 312 sq. ft.

Description: O'Mona is a beautifully maintained Wianno Junior, owned and sailed by Jamie Wyeth and his wife Phyllis for years on Allen Island. In 2007, she underwent a complete rebuild at The Apprenticeshop in Rockland, ensuring her excellent condition. This classic daysailer features original Sitka spruce spars, skillfully varnished for a stunning finish, and comes with a well-kept trailer for easy transport. With her classic lines and rich history, O'Mona offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of sailing heritage.